Bioprinting technology plays a major role in developing biomimetic tissue models for drug-screening and toxicity testing. In the recently funded EU-project “Taktira”, led by Syntab Therapeutics, a new class of immuno-oncologics are developed and validated. The research consortium comprises eight partners from academia and industry: Syntab Therapeutics (Würselen), Gremse-IT (Aachen), TECO Development (Rheinbach), and Black Drop Biodrucker (Aachen), as well as the Institute of Laboratory Animal Science, the Institute for Experimental Molecular Imaging and the Clinic for Gynaecology of the University Hospital RWTH Aachen as well as the Institute for Biological Chemistry of the University of Vienna. The consortium investigates a new class of immuno-oncologics that activate the innate immune system and at the same exhibit higher efficacy and better bioavailability than existing compounds. Black Drop supports the consortium with 3D-bioprinting technology and expertise on the biofabrication of vascularized tumor models.
Black Drop joins European Trans Tech Diagnostics Initiative on Cardiovascular Diseases

Trans Tech Diagnostics focuses on developing better options for identification of heart disease
Partners Universiteit Maastricht (CARIM, lead partner), Universiteit Hasselt (BIOMED), VITO, TSG InnoteQ, PimBio, Tenco DDM, DSP Valley, BONNÉ+JAN, de Keuzearchitecten, Fox Biosystems and Black Drop focus on developing better options for identification of cardiovascular diseases within the Interreg Flanders-The Netherlands project Trans Tech Diagnostics (TTD).
Cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death in the European Union and come with major financial burden for the European Community, being estimated at € 196 billion annually. Of these costs € 106 billion is spent on health care, including diagnosis and treatment of patients. The rapid aging and decline of the number of young adults in our border region Flanders – (south) Netherlands creates the expectation that cardiovascular disease will exert a fast-increasing negative impact on our society.
A considerable number of people with cardiovascular disease are without serious symptoms during the development of the disease and, as a consequence, lack medical supervision and treatment. They do have an increased risk at cardiovascular events such as a heart attack. To minimize this risk, TTD aims at developing better options to define this risk (diagnostics). In addition, the TTD-research is expected to enable fine-tuning of therapies and as such, a decrease in complications and side effects. With this, TTD answers to the demands of health professionals and of the market.
New technologies (bioassays) at the level of inflammation, testing of (nano)molecular biomarkers and new experimental infrastructure will be used within TTD to determine (personalized) cardiovascular risk. The open innovation platform of TTD also offers options for collaborations with other public and private partners focusing on cardiovascular research.
TTD is an Interreg V Flanders-Netherlands project with a total budget of € 3,160,000.00, of which Interreg Flanders-Netherlands contributes € 1,580,000.00 (50%, ERDF). For more information on Interreg Flanders-Netherlands and TTD please check: and

For more information we refer you to: and
3D-bioprinted capillary-like networks as versatile organ-on-a-chip platform
Last month, the 44th Annual Conference of the European Society for Artificial Organs was held in Vienna. The conference offered a diverse program with impressive talks and fascinating posters. Andreas Blaeser, scientist at RWTH Aachen and CEO of Black Drop Biodrucker GmbH, demonstrated recent progress in 3D-bioprinting research. In the session Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine, Blaeser, introduced a novel Drop-on-Demand bioprinting approach for generation of capillary-like networks. The presented technique holds great promise to facilitate fabrication of vascularized organs-on-a-chip in the near future.
Bioprinting in Clinical Research
Bioprinting has the potential to improve clinical research and patient care in multiple ways. After a decade of technological advancements its way to the clinics has just begun. Discover two potential ways, how patients might benefit from bioprinting technology in our CEOs recent publication.
#bioprinting, #organs_on_a_chip, #blackDrop
Controlling Shear Stress in 3D-Bioprinting
We are happy to announce that the publication Controlling Shear Stress in 3D-Bioprinting is a Key Factor to Balance Printing Resolution and Stem Cell Integrity was selected by Advanced Healthcare Materials to be included in one of their five new Virtual Issues that highlight recent cutting-edge research on current hot topics.
The publication will be featured in the “Biofabrication for Tissue Engineering” Issue and will be freely available for everybody to access, download, and read until the end of 2017.
3D-Bioprinting in Medicine 2017
Interview: 3D-Bioprinting in Medicine
This year’s 3D-Printing in Medicine Conference (Mainz, Germany) offered a highly valuable program with international guests from academia and industry. Check out the interview at 1:40 min.
Bioprinting is Black
Welcome to Black Drop Biodrucker GmbH. Using the blog on our webpage we keep you updated on our activities, product releases, and latest developments in the field of bioprinting.
Have Fun In the Lab and stay in touch!